Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I'll be starting a series of posts on my blog about the different ingredients that I use in Skinflint products. Some you may have already read in previous issues of 'The Skinny', but I do think they're worth repeating.
We're bombarded all the time with advertisements for 'miracle creams', and products with names like 'Miracle Lift'.
I'm appalled when I read all the ridiculous promises that are made by the advertisers of cosmetic products. Statements such as, ' complete lifting action', 're-meshing support' and wrinkle-releasing'.
Then follows the percentages: '88% more defined contours' etc. etc. These dubious statistics are self evaluated with no controls at all. Even the laboratory run testing uses a control with absolutely no moisturiser, so is able to state that the skin with the miracle cream is softer, smoother and wrinkles are less-defined. Well, duh... You can slather anything on and your skin will look better than it does without moisturiser!

So, to help you sift through all the non facts and the real facts, I'll attempt to break down the information on some of the ingredients in the cosmetic industry so that you can make an informed decision. Advertising tells only one part of the story, you need to hear it from the other side.

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